Oakie Dokie - Classic 80g
"My friends always ask why my wine tastes better than theirs. Oakie Dokie is my secret weapon. I add it to all of my red kits, even the premium ones."...
Pectic Enzyme
The Pectic Enzyme eliminates haze-causing pectin cells that can leave a wine with a permanent milky appearance known as a “pectin haze”. Adding Pectic Enzyme to crushed fruit will also...
Potassium Sorbate
Used as a wine stabilizer. Add up to 1 tsp (5g) per 5 gal/23L of finished wine to prevent re-fermentation. Available in 25g and 1kg.
Precipitated Chalk (Calcium Carbonate) - 1 kg
Used for wine & beer making to decrease acidity and raise pH. 1 gram per gallon or 1 tsp per 5 litres. Use before fermentation.
Precipitated Chalk (Calcium Carbonate) - 60 g
Sanitizer - Potassium Metabisulphite (200g)
Potassium Metabisulphite is used as a food safe no-rinse sanitizer, but can also be used to ensure the longevity of wine. To help prevent oxidization add 1/4 teaspoon to a...
Sinatin 17 (1 L)
Add to wine just prior to bottling. Add to taste, starting with a small amount and increasing to achieve the desired intensity.
Sinatin 17 (liquid oak extract)
Sodium Metabisulphite (200g)
Sodium Metabisulfite (SMS) prevents wild yeast, bacteria growth, and oxidation in wine/cider. Sodium Metabisulfite also works well as a sanitizer for wine making equipment.Dosage:Wild Yeast: 1/4 teaspoon per 5 gallons...
Sparkolloid Powder (25g)
Red & white wine finings.
Super Kleer (2 part clearing agent)
A powerful 2-part clearing agent that will leave your wine brilliantly clear.
Tannin (25g)
Wine Tannin will improve structure and grip of a wine. Tannin can be used with white wines that have not been exposed to oak to add astringency. Wine tannin can...
Tartaric Acid (1 kg)
Typically used in wines that are naturally lacking in acid to promote round fruit flavours. Aids in vigorous fermentation.
Tartaric Acid (40g)
Wine Sweetner / Conditioner
This sweetener can be used to take the edge off your wines if you find them too dry. Add 125 ml for an off-dry wine, or 250 ml for a...
Wine Yeast - Lalvin 71B-1122
71B-1122 was designed to isolate yeasts that would produce a fruity yet fresh character in wine that would live long after fermentation. Found to be very suitable for blush and...
Wine Yeast - Lalvin D-47
This strain was isolated from grapes grown in the Côtes-du-Rhône region of France. Recommended for making wines from white varieties such as Chardonnay and rosé wines. An excellent choice for...
Wine Yeast - Lalvin EC-1118
The EC-1118 strain was isolated, studied and selected from Champagne fermentations. Due to its competitive factor and ability to ferment equally well over a wide temperature range, the EC-1118 is...
Wine Yeast - Lalvin K1-V1116
BEST BEFORE 23-SEPT One of the most widely used active dried wine yeasts in the world, the K1V-1116 strain is a rapid starter with a constant and complete fermentation. Capable...
Wine Yeast - Lalvin RC 212
Recommended for red varieties where full extraction is desired. Lighter red varieties also benefit from the improved extraction while color stability is maintained throughout fermentation and aging. Aromas of ripe...