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Yeast - White Labs WLP005 British Ale Next Generation

Yeast - White Labs WLP005 British Ale Next Generation

  • 1699

Now with more yeast, get a foolproof fermentation without a starter. Following a commercially recommended pitching rate allowing you to pitch like the pros!

Known for its use in malty English beers, this strain is a great choice for any beers using traditional English malts like Maris Otter, Golden Promise or floor malted barley. This strain will push bready, grainy malt flavours while being a mild ester producer.

FLOCCULATION  Medium (5-10%)
FERMENTATION TEMP. 18-21°C (65-70°F)
STA1 Negative
SUGGESTED STYLES Barleywine • Blonde Ale •  Brown Ale • Cider • Dry Mead • English Bitter • English IPA • Imperial Stout • Old Ale • Pale Ale • Porter • Red Ale • Scotch Ale • Stout • Sweet Mead  
All liquid yeasts are shipped with a 3oz ice pack.

We strongly recommend adding a  Thermal Shipping Package to keep your yeast cool longer. Each package can hold up to 5 liquid yeasts.
