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Best Case Kings Royal Red Bitter (All Grain)

  • 4999

Our Red Bitter contains traditional British Maris Otter malt and specialty malts (crushed), UK hops, and yeast - Ready to mash in and make delicious beer ever time! Temperature and time guidelines are also included.

This is a typical easy drinking English Bitter. It is a great ‘session’ beer similar to those served on ‘hand pump’ in British pubs. It derives its reddish colour from a small amount of roast barley. It has a balanced yet pronounced hop bitterness, and a fresh hop aroma.

OG 1.042 | FG 1.009 | ABV 4.3% | 32 IBU | 12 SRM
OG based on 80% efficiency.
All values are approximate.

Our Beer Kit Recipes include all the ingredients necessary to make your own batch of handcrafted beer.  Makes 23 Litres

Grainfather Recipe: 23L (6 Gallons)

*It should be noted that some advanced equipment and knowledge is necessary to produce this beer kit.

