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Videos & Tutorials

Instructional Videos

Noble Grape presents a series of videos to help you improve your home winemaking. With proper use and understanding of this equipment your winemaking will be easier, more efficient, and most importantly, produce better wine.

1) Making wine at home (it's easier than you think!)

This series of videos can help you perfect your home winemaking techniques and also be used as a short referesher course for more experienced vintners.

Introductory Video

– Tim Vandergrift’s introduction to the series called “I Made This.”

Before you begin

- Covering the steps for getting ready to make wine.

Primary Fermentation

– Learn about your wine kits first day, including hydrometer readings.

Secondary Fermentation

– A short video on moving your wine into the secondary.

Stabilising & Clearning

– Learn how to stabilize and clear your wine with different additives included in your kit.


– All you will need to know about bottling, corking and labeling your wine.

2) Using our Vaccuum wine filter system

After your wine is finished and clear, one option is to simply syphon the wine into the bottles without filtering. If you choose to do this, you must be very careful that the wine is clear AND you must avoid disturbing the sediment when you transfer. If you aren’t careful , eventually you will see yeast settling out in the bottles. On the other hand, you might want to give a commercial polish to a young wine by filtering it. The best filter system we’ve found for home use is a Vacuum Filter. This gives a commercial polish to a finished wine and will de-gas young wine making it taste smoother sooner. Ask about renting one today!

Vacuum Filter Demonstration Video

– Setting up the vacuum filter

Vacuum Filter Demonstration Video

– Filtering

Bottling & Corking

-How to use both corker styles when bottling

3) Equipment Demo Videos

Noble Grape’s series of YouTube videos can show you how to perfect your wine making techniques and introduce you to some equipment you may not know exists.


Carboy Cleaner

-Clean your carboys in just one minute.

Jet bottle washer

– Learn how to use this handy device to clean bottles and carboys.

Wine-on-tap (filling)

– The Wine-on-tap system takes the pain out of bottling your wine.

Wine-on-tap (dispensing)

– The Wine-on-tap system makes dispensing your wine easier then ever.

Brew hauler

– This handy strap hauler makes moving a full carboy easy with one person or two.

Bottle drying tree

– Watch how to versions of a bottle drying tree are used to ease this common task.

The Thief

– Drawing wine from a carboy has never been easier.


– Siphoning your beer or wine is easy with this simple device.

Bottle Sanitizer

– Completely sanitize your bottles easily and quickly.

Wine Whip

– Degas your wine fast with this handy device.

Floor Corker

– Floor corker makes this tedious and sometimes difficult job easy and quick.

Kegging System

– No more bottle washing with an easy to use kegging system.

Wine to go Bags

– Pre-sanitized easy to fill bags. Save time.

Custom Labels

– Showcasing how easy it is to make your own custom labels.

Just For Fun!

Being in the wine industry, its not hard to get into a little trouble here and there. We've got quite a collection - from parties to commercials, here our some of our favorite memories from over the years!

Noble Grape Passionate Winemaker

– Commercial

Noble the Grape Black Knight

– Noble the Grape Homemade Theatre salutes the Black Knight.

Gamay Party 2011

– A customer submitted video for the Gamay Nouveau release.