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Make at Home


 “Love the wine kits and love noble grape” – Debra Taylor, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Making wine at home

  • Its Easy! Each kit makes 30 x 750 ml bottles.
  • Your first wine will be a success. We guarantee it 100%.
  • Visit any Noble Grape store to purchase a specially discounted starter kit home winemaking package for great savings on getting started.
  • Starter Kits include all of the equipment and ingredients you need to make your first batch at home.
  • The quality of the wine you can make at home will amaze you.
  • Your first batch can be ready in as little as four weeks.
  • We are committed to helping you every step of the way through: information sheets, great service, email and telephone advice, and more


For more instructional details on making wine at home CLICK HERE


Making beer at home

  • Home beer making has never been easier
  • We offer a huge variety of ingredients for the many different methods of beer making
  • Choose from:
    • "Add water" kits such as Coopers, or Mangrove Jacks
    • Full wort all-grain kits like Festa Brew
    • Partial/mini mash kits like Best Case or Noble Grape Beer Kits.
    • You can even get creative with designing your own beer in our self serve bulk sections*
  • Visit any Noble Grape store to purchase a specially discounted starter kit which includes all of the equipment and ingredients you need to make your first batch. Each batch will give you approximately 66 x 341 ml bottles.
  • Our knowledgeable staff will walk you through the process and help you every step of the way.

*Note: Bulk sections are available only in our Bayers Lake, Burnside, Coldbrook, Kingston, Fredericton, and Windsor locations. Or they can also be ordered from us online.


Making cider at home

Our line up of Mangrove Jacks ciders are super easy to make. Similar to "Add water" beer kits, ciders simply need to be added to your primary fermenter and topped up with water, mixed with 1kg of sugar, and yeast pitched to begin fermentation.

As with beer each batch makes approximately 66 x 341 ml bottles.

Feel free to Contact Us for more information.

