Wine Bags 4.5 L (5 Pack)
These mylar wine bags come with a non-drip dispenser tap, are pre-sanitised, and ready to fill. 5 bags will hold a 23 L batch of wine. Fits perfectly in the popular Wine Poke , cardboard wine boxes or the Deluxe Wine Dispenser.
As wine is poured, the bag collapses preventing air from entering. Perfect for wines you typically drink within a year. Store wine in a cool, dark place.
Easy to fill!
Remove the black tap from the bags and fill through the hole, using standard siphoning equipment (racking tube, hose, pinch clamp, and bottle filler). Siphon approximately 4.5 L into each bag. Do not overfill the bags or they will be more difficult to load into a dispenser.
When full, replace the black tap, pushing it tightly into the neck of the bag. Make sure the tap is snapped in ALL THE WAY or it will pop out!
If necessary, squeeze bag slightly holding it by the tap (with the tap open) to remove air space.
Please recycle! Simply cut off the tap, rinse, and place in your blue bag.