Festa Brew Cream Ale
Available in store only
Check your local Noble Grape store for availability.
A medium-bodied, slightly fruity, North American ale style. Deep golden colour with a delicate hop aroma and flavour. A smooth and easy drinking beer style.
23 Litres of wort | OG: 1.0476 – 1.0484, FG: 1.0128 – 1.0136, Yeast: Safale US-56, IBUs: 13
Festa Brew premium, all grain wort is your best choice for making commercial quality craft beer at home or on-site. Get professional results every time with no fuss.
Festa Brew contains no adjuncts, stabilizers, or extracts -- just pure, natural wort from Magnotta Brewery ready to handcraft into great beer you'll be proud to call your own.
If you're looking to indulge your creative side, Festa Brew invites you to combine wort varieties, use different yeasts, add dry hops, and introduce special ingredients. Make your own true craft beer without compromise.