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Grainfather G70 V2 All Grain Brewing System

Grainfather G70 V2 All Grain Brewing System

  • 2,59999

The Grainfather G70v2 is the ultimate 70L brewing system, allowing you to create enough high-quality beer to fill 122 pints in one brew. It’s the perfect match for experienced brewers, with built-in wireless connectivity so that you can connect to the Grainfather App for guided brewing and access to brewing tools, recipes and calculators. Now with a perforated grain basket, the G70v2 makes mashing even more efficient.


  • NEW perforated grain basket for an improved brewing experience with no top plate or additional pipework required
  • Integrated sight glass now a part of the recirculation pipework for easy volume reading
  • Sleek 304 grade stainless steel body
  • Connect your mobile device to the smart wireless controller via the Grainfather App and manage your brew remotely
  • Conical base for maximum wort transfer
  • Efficient and sanitary brew transfer with the Counterflow Chiller
  • Quick and easy cleaning with CIP (clean in place) capability
  • PID (proportional integral derivative) heating control for accurate temperature management during mashing
  • Rolled edge grain plate and large bottom-mounted dual-stage hop filter
  • Backed by a 3-year warranty
